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About Me:


The Halaal Household was started as a platform for me (Sakinah) to write and share photos and stories about my lifestyle and journey on managing my Muslim home.

As an introvert through and through, I am fascinated with how our homes can become our inner sanctuaries, soothing our souls and uplifting our wellbeing.

I blog about everything around my  Muslim home management system;  homeschooling, organization, parenting and work home balance. Our lives have changed in so many ways since I started Halaal Household. However, my intentions have not.


I welcome you and your family into our virtual home.  Feel free to share your comments, ideas, links, and questions in the comments section where we can discuss all things together. I strive to help families with managing their day-to-day activities big or small. I am on this beautiful journey reclaiming my identity in the midst of worship, marriage, motherhood, service, and career.


I hope you'll join me in discovering ways to do more with what we already have! Want to hear more about my services? Contact me today.



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