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What is Halaal Household?

An uplighting space I've created to share my experiences as a Muslim, Wife, Mother, Business Woman, Friend and Advisor. I hope to lend and find support as I continue to navigate this Dunya. 


I am passionate about Islam, Motherhood, Personal Growth, Sisterhood, Community Service, Social Justice, Homeschooling, Event Coordination/Decoration and Entrepreneurship.

A Sight to See

Blogs to help you thrive in your personal life and your business life.

3 Ways to

Sensible Solutions
with Sakinah

"I’m tired of complaints and the constant cycle of problems we seem stuck in. Challenges are part of life, but solutions are not out of reach—Islam has already given us the answers. The Qur'an and Sunnah offer timeless wisdom for living fruitful, faithful lives in this world and preparing for the next. But here’s the truth: solutions only work when we step up with discipline, integrity, and consistency. We can do better, and we must. This space is dedicated to being solution-focused—no excuses, no complacency—just practical steps to bring barakah into our lives. Let’s stop settling for ‘survival mode’ and start thriving, for the sake of Allah and our akhirah."


"Let’s hold ourselves accountable, apply what we already know, and commit to building lives of purpose, progress, and peace. Because the answers are here; we just need to act on them."


“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Qur'an 13:11)


“And whoever fears Allah—He will make a way out for him and provide for him from where he does not expect.” (Qur'an 65:2-3)


“So whoever does good, it is for his own soul, and whoever does evil, it is against it.” (Qur'an 45:15)

What to Expect

It all somehow collaborates!

I offer meaningful ways to celebrate and connect.

Wellness, Mothering, Marriage, Selfcare & More

From a Black Muslim Mother's perspective.

Through the years. Different changes and stages.

Personal Growth:
Know better, Do better!

Bonded Through Deen



"Whatever your stage of life, remember you’re right where Allah has allowed you to be. He chose you for this task, for these children, for His plan. Trust His plan, for surely Allah is the best of planners"


© 2021 by The Halaal Household

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